Thursday, April 25, 2013

Hello 2nd Trimester!

Well im 14 weeks! Super slacker mode lately but really not much to tell! Still sticking to worlds easiest pregnancy! I may have spoke to soon about the morning sickness tho....its back! Only now its not in the morning its mostly at night and in the afternoon =( Boo cause it makes for some nasty vom but yay cause I still havent gained any weight! I am still down 7 lbs. Jonathan keeps telling me dont worry, it will come back...thanks sweetie... The bump is also out completely, it is so weird. I am currently obsessed with motherhood maternity leggings, I can seriously live in them. I also have worlds best boss who lets me wear them to work!! I am loving the bump and loving that its obviously a bump and not just fat =)
I stole this survey from another pregnancy blog and love it. I want to stop slacking and start updating with it every week =) Also I am going to get back on pinterest and start pinning like a boss! Its time to start nursery planning. The house is 3 weeks from completion (OMG) so once we are in it is full on baby mode!

How far along? 14 Weeks
Total weight gain/loss: down 7 lbs
Maternity clothes? Yep! and Loving it. I would live in maternity leggings year round

Stretch marks? No, thank god. Although im starting to get some creepy veinage going on and not lovin it
Sleep: Sleeping great mostly, exept when waking up to pee 1 to 2 times a night
Best moment this week: Finding the babys heartbeat instatly with our doppler. It was so strong! Jonathan likes to talk into my belly button (He says its the closest to the baby =) ) When he would talk it would make him/her move! I cant feel it yet but I would start to loose the heartbeat and have to move around to find it again!! It was so cool
Miss Anything? Soda! Although I do give in every once in a while and have one =)

Movement: not yet =( Hopefully soon!
Food cravings: I am so random. I have get "obsessions" 1 week its wings, 1 week its sweets, and this week (well maybe 2 weeks now) its been Burger Box! OMG so amazing.
Anything making you queasy or sick: nope! Although after puking up about half a can of bean dip almost instantly after eating it, I dont even want to look at it anymore.
Have you started to show yet: Yes! I am huge!
Gender prediction: Not sure! I am so back and forth. In the beginning I was SURE it was a boy. Everyone (family and Jonathan) say boy but i dont know! Lately im really thinking girl?
Labor Signs: No
Belly Button in or out? In for now but it seems a little further out Jonathan noticed.....while sticking his entire mouth on it while talking to "Fetus"....also what he calls the baby =) hahaha kinda a joke we have

Wedding rings on or off? On
Happy or Moody most of the time: Happy!!! Last month was rough and I was pretty depressed for a few weeks. Probably just in denial that this was ACTUALLY happening and the crazy hormones starting. But as its getting closer I am getting more and more excited.
Looking forward to: May 9th!!! We find out if our sweet baby is a he or she!!! Also feeling some movement that isnt just GAS!

Picture Time!

I havent taken a chalkboard picture of 14 weeks yet, but here is one I took this morning
And last but not least.....Baby Jordan at 13 weeks!!!!!!!



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