Thursday, April 4, 2013

First couple of weeks

So I think so far I have had probably worlds easiest pregnancy! So since there is not much to tell I will just put the last couple of weeks in 1 post! The first symptom I had was obviously the morning sickness. But even that was a walk in the park! That only lasted from weeks 5-9 and was not bad at all. Jonathan would actually be laughing at me making me laugh WHILE I was hunched over the toilet!  Other than that just some tender boobs and that wasnt until probably 7 weeks or so. 
Pretty much right away I noticed ALL I wanted to eat was MEXICAN! Im talking Taco Cabana flautas for lunch and dinner multiple days in a row. (I could probably have had them for breakfast as well) Although I was eating a lot of mexican my appetite was WAY down. Where most people gain weight the first trimester I actually have lost 6 lbs. My portions were way smaller then normal. I would get SO excited to eat and want to order 8 lbs of food but would eat a few bites and be full. Jonathan loved this phase and was very dissapointed when I started to get worn out on the mexican. These days I can not get enough fruit! All kinds, but mostly cantelope and pears.
Probably the only symptom that is KILLING me is the lack of energy which started probably 7 weeks also. Im talking cant keep my eyes open tired. I will be talking and get so tired I forget what im talking about! In the first few weeks when I went from drinking a zillion sodas a day to quitting cold turkey and had NO caffeine was hell on earth! I would go to bed a 8:00 and STILL be exhausted the next day. Poor boogie was sad cause he never saw me! Since nearing the end of my first trimester it has gotten a lot better but I still cant stay up much after 9 and there are days where I cant take it and drink a soda! (Im sure baby doesnt mind!)
Thats about all I can think of! Like I said, easiest pregnancy so far! (knock on wood!) Now for pictures!

First is 8 weeks vs 9 weeks! First official day I noticed the "bump"  I am probably pushing out a little here in the first one  but hey I was excited!
Next is 10 weeks. I feel like I am pretty huge already! (I know mom, you think I am further along than what I really am!) We will see, maybe there are 2 little Jordans in there! OR its just a ton of gas....which unfortunetly I have...Sorry honey =)
Lastly here is a picture of our littlel booger at 9 weeks! We got so excited when we acutally saw the sorta shape of a baby! We got to see his/her little heart and everything!


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