Thursday, May 2, 2013


On top of taking my weekly pictures, I also take some throughout the week. I want to make sure I remember the whole process! So here they are =)
Jonathan doing some "Light" reading =) Hes so cute he does a lot of research!

First maternity dress I bought, I was so excited!! This was at my cousins wedding shower April 6th, so I was about 12 weeks!

The Hubby testing out my pregnancy pillow

I was realllllllly wanting brownies one night, so the next day I got home to this surprise. YUM

my HUGE belly picture! after seeing this mom mom was SURE it was twins. (Im only about 14 weeks here) We will find out in a few days! eeeek!

Baby shopping with my boogie

Our FIRST purchase for baby Jordan! of course it had to be Texas =)

My bump had really popped out this day so I had to take a belly shot =)

Easter Sunday 2013! The day we told all of our family and friends we were expecting =)

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