So Wednesday was the day I was looking forward to, my doctors appointment! We were both a little nervous because I was having minor contractions and I knew she would do a cervical check. I woke up in a GREAT mood which quickly changed when we got to the doctors office and the receptionist told us that she had forgotten to enter my appointment the week before and we didn't have one after waiting about an hour and a HALF we were finally called back in. It was obviously a very rushed appointment where she wasn't even going to check me but I said PLEASE check! So she did and I was already 1 cm dilated and 20-30% effaced! Even though it wasn't much I was still excited that I had made progress that week!
I will not post what happened to me Wednesday and Thursday... I will spare whoever reads this the details cause its pretty gross but it is a stage of early labor and I think the jump start of everything! It honestly was not nearly as horrible as people say it is actually.
So Friday morning is when I started to feel a little more achiness, more sleepiness, and had a few random contractions and one more thing from Wednesday and Thursday. That day my mom called and said she had a "feeling" he was coming soon and really wanted to come in early (Her and Kimbee had planned on coming Saturday afternoon after her SAT's) She decided to come by herself that afternoon. I told her I was not having the baby that she shouldn't miss work but she insisted anyway! Saturday morning I woke up and still nothing! I was still having random contractions but not much. Sunday was a different story. I woke up having contractions and once I decided to tell my mom we realized they were consistently 10 min apart. VERY SCARY! we went the whole day timing them still 10 min. Finally Sunday evening we started believing that it could be real and my mom decided to call my dad and sister. I again told them not come until I knew I was a for real thing but they wanted to come anyway! As the night went on we realized they started getting a little painful and were now 7 minutes apart! I called my manager and let her know I would not be in the next morning because I was planning on going to the hospital. Monday morning, I was still unsure if it was actually time. I always thought you would just "know" when you were in labor. I still wasn't in much pain but contractions were still about 5-7 min apart. We decided to take our time, sleep in (well not me) Jonathan woke up to go to work for a few hours to tie up loose ends and my family and I went to breakfast. During breakfast I started getting very nervous because the contractions went down to 5 min apart!!! Okay now I was nervous and called Jonathan and told him to come home. We packed the car and headed to the hospital!...We still had my parents stay at home until we knew it was the real thing.
Long story short. We got to the hospital and after 4 hours of being monitored and checked I had not progressed at all. =( I was so upset!! Not only because I was not in actual labor but the checks the nurse (who I did not like at all) hurt me SO bad and even after the checks I was hurting and bleeding so bad. The contractions actually got stronger and more frequent at the hospital (3 min apart!) I had no idea where to go from there. All the websites and books tell you to go to the hospital when your contractions are consistently 5 min apart and progressively getting more intense. That is exactly what was happening and yet it wasn't time? SO CONFUSING! I decided to take the next day off of work just incase I needed to go back to the hospital but NOTHING! My parents decided to stay in town until Wednesday because I had my 38 week appointment to see if I had progressed at least at that point.
At my 38 week it was STILL not time BUT I had progressed at least to 1.5 cm and 50% effaced. yay... not really... we made the decision to go ahead and induce at week 39 IF I had made it to at least 3 cm. I was really worried about knowing when to go to the hospital and having a baby on my office floor! After we left our appointment we went home told my family, they left and we went back to work, back to the real world! I was ready to get back to reality and was glad I would have work to keep my mind off of everything!
The fresh fall flowers my mom bought after cleaning our house =)
at the hospital for our false alarm
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