Sunday, October 20, 2013

39 weeks

So ive gone back to slacking when it comes to posting but I am just SO tired! Today is 10/20/13 and we are just DAYS away from our due date! (10/24/13) At our 39 week appointment this last Wednesday we made the decision to not induce that evening after AGAIN hearing that I had not progressed one bit! Our little one is OBVIOUSLY in no hurry to come out! Since we had originally planned on inducing Wednesday, this past Monday was my last day of work. My boss is the best and told me to come in my last week and just rest. That has been the best thing for me! I have no energy to do ANYTHING these days. Not only am I physically exhausted im also emotionally exhausted! I randomly start crying all the time and am not really sleeping much at all. Every little thing that happens to me I this labor?? But NOPE still no baby! I started working on his baby book the other and repacked the hospital bags. As far as nesting goes it kindof just disappeared? I feel like I WANT to deep clean the house again and organize and get more things done but I just don't have the energy! I feel like at this point its just a waiting game!
When we decided to cancel the induction from this Wednesday we did decide to reschcedule for next Wednesday that way he does not go past his due date! We are being strong in our decision to let him come when he is ready. We don't want a lot of medications (other the epidural...duh) but I am also being strong in the fact that I don't want him going any longer then the due date! No way! Hes getting evicted pretty soon! So it is being scheduled for Wednesday 10/23 at 8pm, so he will more then likely be born on his due date 10/24 =)
As far as symptoms goes im pretty much just exhausted and hungry! Not sure how much ive gained? Ill check in the morning. I can not WAIT for him to be born so I can have my caffeine again! I also will be sending someone stat once hes born for some Starbucks pumpkin frappe and lattes. OOOOMG ive had a few decaff but im ready for the real thing! Of course fall is my FAVORITE time of year and ive been eating about everything pumpkin. Im still always wanting sweets which is SO not like me but its just so good!
I just can not WAIT to meet him!! Im also excited to tell everyone his name and post nursery pictures! Hopefully we wont have a 40 week update!!

37 week pinterest pose!!

37 weeks wearing my boogies shirt =)


38 weeks

39 weeks

1 comment:

  1. It's so crazy to look at this post now! I can't believe Nathan's already 3 months old!
