Friday, October 25, 2013


Okay so today is 7/28/14 and Nathan is 9 months old! I was going back through old posts and saw this in the drafts and realized I never finished typing it out! I am so sad =( I barely remember much from that day but my sister sure does! She was in the delivery room with me so she is going to have to help me out on this one =) Here are some pictures of the best day of my life!

 Nathan was induced on his due date 10/24/13 after all 40 weeks of pregnancy (I so did not think I would go full term) We checked into the hospital that Wednesday night the 23rd at 8:30pm and i dont remember being nervous at all! I honestly don't think I really ever was nervous until the nurse popped my feet into those stirrups and said it was time to go!They started cytotec right when we got there and the pitocin at 4:15am which at that point I was only at 2cm and 50% effaced. I didnt sleep but maybe an hour that whole night because I was just to excited. I would get so excited when they would come in to see how much I had progressed. My water broke on its own at about 7:00am and thats when it got bad! I felt really nothing up until my water broke and then it was all down hill until i got the epidural an hour and a half later. The epidural was a joke too! They made Jonathan leave the room and when they went to give it to me they DID IT WRONG and my whole body felt so weird and they had to do it all over again. Once they did it correctly it was all good again and at that point i was at 4cm and 80% effaced. By 10:30am I was 7cm and 100% effaced. They nurse said if she would have to guess I would have a baby by 1pm and she was RIGHT! They stopped the pitocin at 11am because I was already at a 9 and my contractions were way to strong. They were right on top of each other and the baby wasnt handling it very good. They put me on oxygen for a little bit and had me lay on my side and everything went back to normal. At about 12 I started to feel a ton of pressure and sure enough it was time to start pushing! I progressed so fast, my doctor didnt even have time to get there and the  nurse had to start delivering him. I pushed for an HOUR before he came. I lost a lot of blood and he had ingested miconium so at that point she said I had 1 more push and then they were going to get the vacuum. Apparently I wasn't feeling the vacuum because at exactly 1pm Nathan Edward Jordan entered the world!! I was able to hold him while they fixed me up, nurse him, and my family got to see him for about 5 minutes before they took him to the nursery. Unfortunately he had very low blood sugar and they had to keep him there for the first 2 nights =( They had him hooked up to an IV and had to bottle feed him on top of me nursing and Jonathan wasn't able to hold him until 9pm that night. Luckily we were able to see him whenever we wanted and I was able to nurse him every 2 hours so we were lucky! The first day for me was rough and I honestly dont remember much if not anything from after he was born. My epidural started to wear off when she was stitching me up (which took an HOUR) so they gave me some meds which I didn't respond well to. I kept passing out on and off and thats all I remember until that night! I am so lucky the whole family was able to hold him at the hospital but was so ready to get home and snuggle our sweet boy!