Thursday, April 25, 2013

Hello 2nd Trimester!

Well im 14 weeks! Super slacker mode lately but really not much to tell! Still sticking to worlds easiest pregnancy! I may have spoke to soon about the morning sickness tho....its back! Only now its not in the morning its mostly at night and in the afternoon =( Boo cause it makes for some nasty vom but yay cause I still havent gained any weight! I am still down 7 lbs. Jonathan keeps telling me dont worry, it will come back...thanks sweetie... The bump is also out completely, it is so weird. I am currently obsessed with motherhood maternity leggings, I can seriously live in them. I also have worlds best boss who lets me wear them to work!! I am loving the bump and loving that its obviously a bump and not just fat =)
I stole this survey from another pregnancy blog and love it. I want to stop slacking and start updating with it every week =) Also I am going to get back on pinterest and start pinning like a boss! Its time to start nursery planning. The house is 3 weeks from completion (OMG) so once we are in it is full on baby mode!

How far along? 14 Weeks
Total weight gain/loss: down 7 lbs
Maternity clothes? Yep! and Loving it. I would live in maternity leggings year round

Stretch marks? No, thank god. Although im starting to get some creepy veinage going on and not lovin it
Sleep: Sleeping great mostly, exept when waking up to pee 1 to 2 times a night
Best moment this week: Finding the babys heartbeat instatly with our doppler. It was so strong! Jonathan likes to talk into my belly button (He says its the closest to the baby =) ) When he would talk it would make him/her move! I cant feel it yet but I would start to loose the heartbeat and have to move around to find it again!! It was so cool
Miss Anything? Soda! Although I do give in every once in a while and have one =)

Movement: not yet =( Hopefully soon!
Food cravings: I am so random. I have get "obsessions" 1 week its wings, 1 week its sweets, and this week (well maybe 2 weeks now) its been Burger Box! OMG so amazing.
Anything making you queasy or sick: nope! Although after puking up about half a can of bean dip almost instantly after eating it, I dont even want to look at it anymore.
Have you started to show yet: Yes! I am huge!
Gender prediction: Not sure! I am so back and forth. In the beginning I was SURE it was a boy. Everyone (family and Jonathan) say boy but i dont know! Lately im really thinking girl?
Labor Signs: No
Belly Button in or out? In for now but it seems a little further out Jonathan noticed.....while sticking his entire mouth on it while talking to "Fetus"....also what he calls the baby =) hahaha kinda a joke we have

Wedding rings on or off? On
Happy or Moody most of the time: Happy!!! Last month was rough and I was pretty depressed for a few weeks. Probably just in denial that this was ACTUALLY happening and the crazy hormones starting. But as its getting closer I am getting more and more excited.
Looking forward to: May 9th!!! We find out if our sweet baby is a he or she!!! Also feeling some movement that isnt just GAS!

Picture Time!

I havent taken a chalkboard picture of 14 weeks yet, but here is one I took this morning
And last but not least.....Baby Jordan at 13 weeks!!!!!!!



Tuesday, April 16, 2013

Crazy Pregnant Girl

So I am about 13 weeks at this point! As of Sunday I hadn't had any "crazy pregnant girl" cravings. Don't get me wrong I was obsessed with Mexican and currently obsessed with burgers but no "I have to have this now" cravings. Well that all changed Sunday! Jonathan and I were having "lazy Sunday" (which we do every Sunday) but this week we took it to the extreme and literally didn't get out of our pjs much less take a shower or brush our teeth! Well its about 6:00 and dinner is in the oven and I don't know what came over me but during a "Buckwild" commercial (I know... who are we?) I suddenly decided I wanted a cinnamon roll. Then I said it out loud, then I REALLY wanted one. Jonathan looked at me with a "You have to be kidding me if you think im going to get you a cinnamon roll" look. So I said your right and we continued watching tv. Well then 5 minutes go by and now I really really want a cinnamon roll. Then another 5 minutes and I literally have to have one. I cant decide if it is worth it to ruin lazy Sunday by going out but I could not stop thinking of the gooey goodness. SO I CAVED!.....BAD IDEA!
One of the newer symptoms I have been having is dizziness which I have read is normal. As soon as I got in the car I was dizzy and knew I didn't feel right but figured it was because I jumped off the couch too quick(hey I was excited!) well walking through Albertsons I felt HORRIBLE. As soon as I got to the register I knew something was wrong and I swear I was going to faint. I have never had a feeling like that before. I was sweating and I could feel my face turning pale but I wasnst sure if I was going to actually faint or puke. I was SO dizzy I honestly felt extremely drunk! (the bad kind) This had never happened before so I didn't know if I would actually faint or if it would pass. I had no idea what was going on and I had to lean on the side of the checkout counter. It was so scary being alone and I really don't even remember talking to the checkout lady. All I could focus on was getting out of there into the fresh air! I FINALLY made it home, feeling a lot better but still extremely dizzy. HORRIBLE experience! the worst part............I bought the wrong damn cinnamon rolls and they didn't even taste good!!!!!
These would be the Devil Rolls!

Thursday, April 4, 2013

First couple of weeks

So I think so far I have had probably worlds easiest pregnancy! So since there is not much to tell I will just put the last couple of weeks in 1 post! The first symptom I had was obviously the morning sickness. But even that was a walk in the park! That only lasted from weeks 5-9 and was not bad at all. Jonathan would actually be laughing at me making me laugh WHILE I was hunched over the toilet!  Other than that just some tender boobs and that wasnt until probably 7 weeks or so. 
Pretty much right away I noticed ALL I wanted to eat was MEXICAN! Im talking Taco Cabana flautas for lunch and dinner multiple days in a row. (I could probably have had them for breakfast as well) Although I was eating a lot of mexican my appetite was WAY down. Where most people gain weight the first trimester I actually have lost 6 lbs. My portions were way smaller then normal. I would get SO excited to eat and want to order 8 lbs of food but would eat a few bites and be full. Jonathan loved this phase and was very dissapointed when I started to get worn out on the mexican. These days I can not get enough fruit! All kinds, but mostly cantelope and pears.
Probably the only symptom that is KILLING me is the lack of energy which started probably 7 weeks also. Im talking cant keep my eyes open tired. I will be talking and get so tired I forget what im talking about! In the first few weeks when I went from drinking a zillion sodas a day to quitting cold turkey and had NO caffeine was hell on earth! I would go to bed a 8:00 and STILL be exhausted the next day. Poor boogie was sad cause he never saw me! Since nearing the end of my first trimester it has gotten a lot better but I still cant stay up much after 9 and there are days where I cant take it and drink a soda! (Im sure baby doesnt mind!)
Thats about all I can think of! Like I said, easiest pregnancy so far! (knock on wood!) Now for pictures!

First is 8 weeks vs 9 weeks! First official day I noticed the "bump"  I am probably pushing out a little here in the first one  but hey I was excited!
Next is 10 weeks. I feel like I am pretty huge already! (I know mom, you think I am further along than what I really am!) We will see, maybe there are 2 little Jordans in there! OR its just a ton of gas....which unfortunetly I have...Sorry honey =)
Lastly here is a picture of our littlel booger at 9 weeks! We got so excited when we acutally saw the sorta shape of a baby! We got to see his/her little heart and everything!