Tuesday, November 24, 2015

30 weeks

I can't believe I only have 6 weeks (or less!) left! This baby definetly does not like being cooped up in my tummy and is about ready to bust out. I will not be surprised if he comes early! Nursery is painted, and we did some damage at Macy's yesterday buying him clothes so once we get his dresser stained and I can get stuff put up I think we will be ready for him! Life is definetly getting difficult! I get a ton of contractions when I overdue it and but early evening I'm ready to crawl in bed!! I am way slower and it takes 8 hours to get up and down off the floor. Nathan is such a big boy and is so independent these days so he is a big help! I literally can not wait! To see how good of a big brother he is! I also can't wait to go let him pick a present out for him to give to his baby brother! He already talks about how his diapers are for baby brother now cause he is a big boy. He loves to feel baby brother move and blowing raspberries on my belly =) 

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