Not much as far as updates! Other then being super tired cause I'm pregnant and have a toddler this pregnancy had been a breeze so far! No nausea at all anymore, no back pains or anything! I still have not gained any weight ( I have no idea how) I'm hungry ALL the time and have a ton of cravings just like I did with Nathan. Although I feel like I craved more sweets and fruit with him and this time it's a lot of salty things. It's awful because it's all fast food which is making us broker then we already are! I started feeling movement at 15 1/2 weeks and I love it! I can't wait to see it and be able to feel it on the outside so Jonathan and Nathan can see also! We find out the gender TOMORROW but are having the sono tech put it in an envelope so we can find out with our family next weekend in San Antonio. Kimbee is planning a little party and I can't wait. =) Jonathan and I as well as everyone else is guessing girl but I would be equally excited for a brother for Nathan! Nathan started saying sissy on his own which literally gave me chills I have NO idea where he got that and it's going to be so cool if we find out it is a girl and he calls her that =)
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