Monday, July 13, 2015

Baby #2!

We found out may 27th so according to calculations I'm only 4 weeks!
What convinced me to take a test(Jonathan wanted me to wait) was my ridiculous craving of stir frys! It was the exact same way I was when I was pregnant with Nathan. I'm talking lunch and dinner every night for a week straight! ... And counting even was okay with eating it for breakfast( the earliest I gave in was 1030!) other then that the only other "symptom" I have is moodiness. I'm very short tempered with Jonathan and everything is irritating me! I have my first appointment in a month so they will confirm how far along I am. We are so surprised it happened so fast! Couldn't be more exciting but are very nervous! We found out on day 1 of "official" potty training so that didn't happen! My mind was somewhere else! I snapped some pictures of Nathan in his new shirt while we waited for daddy to get home and surprise him! We filmed his reaction!
What a goofy kid!
He also took a few selfies....

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