Tuesday, November 24, 2015

30 weeks

I can't believe I only have 6 weeks (or less!) left! This baby definetly does not like being cooped up in my tummy and is about ready to bust out. I will not be surprised if he comes early! Nursery is painted, and we did some damage at Macy's yesterday buying him clothes so once we get his dresser stained and I can get stuff put up I think we will be ready for him! Life is definetly getting difficult! I get a ton of contractions when I overdue it and but early evening I'm ready to crawl in bed!! I am way slower and it takes 8 hours to get up and down off the floor. Nathan is such a big boy and is so independent these days so he is a big help! I literally can not wait! To see how good of a big brother he is! I also can't wait to go let him pick a present out for him to give to his baby brother! He already talks about how his diapers are for baby brother now cause he is a big boy. He loves to feel baby brother move and blowing raspberries on my belly =) 

Tuesday, November 10, 2015

Potty Training!!

Nathan's been ready to potty train for a while now! We "started" when he was about 18 months. Bought a potty and started introducing him to it but didn't expect much. He actually went a few times but we never pushed it!! A month or 2 before he turned 2 we really started to notice he was ready. There was one day he had a bad bad diaper rash poor baby so we let him run around without a diaper to air out and told him over and over if he needed to potty to tell us. Well after a few minutes he got off the couch and looked down at himself and started to look around. We asked him if he had to go and he said yes! We ran him to the potty and sure enough he went! From then on EVERY TIME he didn't have a diaper on he would tell us he needed to go. We were in shock! Even still we didn't hurry up and potty train. (Clearly it was me being lazy about it) SO finally a few weeks after his 2nd birthday we decided to just go for it! It was SO easy!! I keep thinking its a fluke but here we are 2 weeks or so in and he's been 100% potty trained basically this whole time! He has had only 3 accidents and 2 of them were really just a tiny bit. He did have a rougher time with the poop training. Went a couple of days holding it and still has a lot of "false alarm" bathroom trips (I think he is waiting until it literally just a "falls out" haha) We are also still keeping him in pull ups at nap time and nighttime with underwear on top just in case. Although he always stays dry through nap and if he needs to go during nap or at night he wakes us up to take him! We are SO proud of him since he literally potty trained himself!! All we had to do was rind him here and there and he picked it right up! Big boy!!!! 
The first time sitting on the potty in public!

First day potty training!

Friday, October 30, 2015

Happy 2nd Birthday Nathan!!

My baby is TWO I swear I was JUST pregnant with him =( 

I already want to cry thinking about what I'm going to say! Sweet boy you are the absolute best best thing that has ever happened to us! You are SO much fun and are constantly making your daddy and I laugh! You are ridiculously smart and surprise us daily with the new words and thing you say. You are the perfect mix of both of us. You are silly, loud and friendly like mommy and you are smart and attentive like your daddy. You have the biggest heart and are great at sharing  and being so sweet and Patient with your friends. You are such a sponge right now and are loving learning new things and asking what everything is! You love to read and sing and have most of your books and favorite songs memorized! You are very excited to be a big brother  and your big brother book is helping you understand what life is going to be like.  You are going to be the best big brother, we can't wait!

You had the best Thomas the train birthday party which I'll post about in a different post but on your actual birthday you celebrated with mommy and daddy (you recently started calling him daddy instead of dada and it's the cutest!) 
It was raining all day(boo!) so it ruined our plans of taking you to ride the train. We started the day off taking you to get your favorite breakfasts tacos and donuts! Then we went and spent hours at toys r us to spend your birthday money and you had the time of your life! Who needs to ride a train when you have toys r us! Then we came home played with your new toys and napped. When you woke up we decorated and baked cupcakes then went to chick fil a for dinner and back home to sing happy birthday! It was very low key but was the best day! 

Here are some comparison pics! 

Wednesday, September 2, 2015

It's another BOY!!!

Nathan's going to have a baby brother! we could not be more excited, even though we thought for sure it was going to be a girl! I'm so excited that we will have 2 little boys just 2 years apart and i just know they will be the best of friends! I can already picture them sharing a room in the upcoming years =) 
This time around we did the gender reveal a little bit different. With Nathan we found out at the doctors office and then had a little party that we planned for our families to reveal it. This time it was a surprise for us as well! We had our sonogram last week and had the doctor seal it in an envelope and had to wait an entire week without knowing! It somehow wasn't has hard as I thought. Here are some pictures from that morning.

 That weekend we came to San Antonio and gave Kimbee the envelope and she planned the party and surprise! I need to post the video but here are some pictures!

Team girl!!

And team boy!

Tuesday, August 25, 2015

Halfway there!

I don't know how I am already halfway through this pregnancy but I am! I'm feeling great! Been pretty emotional lately but other then that great! Tomorrow is our 20 week ultrasound and I am super pumped to be able to see our little man for an extended amount of time!! We moved the guest bed out of the guest room and it officially became the new nursery! We picked out the paint color and will have it painted in a few weeks =)