Wednesday, June 25, 2014


Holy 8 months! Seriously only 4 months left and you are a year? You amaze us with how fast you grow. We weighed you the other day and you are a whopping 24 lbs! We need to hang up your height chart so we can start tracking how tall you are also. You have 5 teeth, crawl like a mad man, run along our furniture and now only use 1 hand to balance. Mark my words you will be walking by 9 months! You are huge and are wearing 12-18 month clothes and even fit into your 2T SPURS CHAMPIONSHIP t-shirt. GO SPURS GO! You went to the zoo for the first time. You dont like to be sitting at all anymore and pull yourself up to stand so quickly. Your even starting to get a little bored in your Little Gym classes cause all the older kids moved up to the big class. You went swimming for the first time and you LOVED it! Your not a fan of our little blow up backyard pool but in an actual pool you  had the best time! You also love swinging. We have taken you to the park a few times and you just have so much fun. You are sleeping sooooo much better at night these days (thank goodness for mommy) which means you are starting to wake up at 7am. This means you get breakfast! You love cheerios and bananas for breakfast and are basically eating everything we are! We still give you mostly baby food but pretty much always share what we are eating (I dont think you would have it any other way. You are pretty bossy when it comes to sharing!) You are absolutely obsessed with WATER! If you could drink it all day everyday you totally would. You learn so fast these days. You play peek-a-boo and are learning to high five!
This month we celebrated daddys first fathers day! He loved on you all day and you gave him the coffee cup you painted him with your little (fat) hand and foot prints! One of our favorite things is how much you kiss now! You understand what it means and you do it so much! (Daddy gets sad that you dont like to kiss him as much because you dont like his pokey beard) We can not wait to see what next month brings! We love you so much monkey!

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