Friday, January 24, 2014

3 months

Nathan is already 3 months and it makes me want to cry! He is already such a big boy and I wish time would just slow down or even stop =( he already has such a personality and it is so fun waiting to see what he will do next. He loves shoving his hands in his mouth ( we think he may be teething due to the gallons of drool each day) he is almost sitting up by himself and is now sleeping 9-11 hours each night! We actually just started to put him to bed in his crib =( hard night on mommy for sure! His new obsession is TV! I know I know bad mom but what are you gonna do! We literally have to turn off the tv sometimes to get him to play with us! His favorite is Barney. He will sit and watch Barney for the longest time and will even talk to the tv. He got so many toys for Christmas but really isn't much interested yet. He prefers to just play and talk with us. I've been really working with teethers and rattles. I want him to start grabbing and playing with toys! He still loves bath time and still Hates tummy time, although the other day I put a mirror in front of him during tummy time and he smiled and talked to himself! So sweet. He has also started giggling a little bit! We've heard it a few times and can't wait until it's an everyday thing.
So today is the 21st and I'm updating this post again because he just started rolling over!!! Big boy!

now some more pictures taken on his little 3 month photoshoot

1 comment:

  1. I miss you two! Hurry home so he doesn't have any more "firsts" while you're gone!
