Tuesday, November 26, 2013
1 Month
Cant believe Nathan is 1 month old today!! Time has gone by sooo fast. I am so excited but a little sad at the same time! It feels like I was still pregnant yesterday wishing he would hurry up and get here and now he has been here a whole month! From the time he was born he has had so much personality and has matured so much faster then I think most babies! He was smiling and holding his head up at 2 weeks and at 4 weeks already holding his own bottle (well for a minute at a time but that's a smart kid!) He is so serious like his daddy. Always has such a stern look on his face like he is concentrating on something important. He has the biggest brown eyes which were open and alert at just a few days old! We are also just starting to hear our first little "ahhs" and "coos" and its so adorable!
Nathan LOVES bath time. It relaxes him so much he sometimes sleeps through it. The only part he doesn't like is getting his lotion massage after. He is not a crier...thank goodness...The only time he cries is when he has a dirty diaper or is starving. He HATES dirty diapers. He could have 1 drop of pee in there and his world is over. I sometimes even have to stop feedings to change him because he is to uncomfortable to eat, poor baby. This just means LOTS of diapers for mommy and daddy to buy. He completely skipped newborn size diapers and went straight to size 1! such a chunky monkey! He had his first HUGE blowout the other day. It was actually more of a blowout OUTSIDE the diaper. Mommy was changing him and he let out the hugest fart which also came with projectile poop shot all over me and the bed! It was pretty funny but my poor comforter! Daddy is still getting used to the poopy diapers, probably because hes been peed on and pooped on way more often then me =) He loves lights and movement. He is always staring at the ceiling fan and lamps. He also loves staring at the little bear mobile on his swing.
Nathan is eating like a grown up! At his 2 week appointment he was already 9 lbs 15 ounces and a little over 23 inches! (The length of a 2 1/2 month old)...Oh and he now wears 3 month clothes! He still fits into SOME of his newborn outfits but not many! The doctor estimated that at 2 weeks he was eating anywhere from 3-4 ounces! I really started struggling with nursing at about 3 weeks. He went through a growth spert and was eating every 30 min-hour! And eats for 20-30 min so that would only leave me maybe 30 min of a break in between feedings which would give me enough time to change his diaper and sit down! It was pretty much impossible to get dressed let alone shower and eat. Around that time he also stopped taking naps. He would doze off for 10-20 min here and there sometimes. I started thinking I wasn't producing enough for him because by the end of the day I would feel like I was empty and it didn't sound like he was swallowing enough food and he would cry. We made a TOUGH decision to introduce 1 bottle of formula a night before bed to fill him up and it worked! It was such a hard and emotional decision but I think its best. Im still nursing all day and night, but he gets 1 formula bottle a day, maybe 2 depending on if we go out in public and he is hungry. All though the last 2 nights he hasn't really been taking it. He will drink a bit and then make a face like "this tastes disgusting mom what is it"...so we will have to see how that works out in the future... I also started nursing on both sides each feeding which fills him up WAY more and now he goes anywhere from 1-3 hours in between feedings so I can shower again =)
He is sleeping pretty good! A few nights ago he slept through the night for the first time! YAY! He usually goes to bed anywhere from 9:30 and 11 (last night it was midnight...ew) and will sleep about 6 hours (yay!) He is also totally his mommys kid because when he wakes up for his 9:00 feeding he 9 times out of 10 will fall back asleep till about 11 or 12..what?! yes please! He still has his nights where he wont fall asleep until 2 or will fall asleep at 10 and wake up again at 2 for a feeding but for the most part he is sleeping through! Sometimes he sleeps ALL day it seems like and sometimes he wont sleep at all. It seems like we are starting to get a night schedule down before a day one. We will see.
We pretty much have the most perfect kid =) he is a perfect mix between mommy and daddy. His smiles make me tear up and his loud morning routine of grunting and pooping makes me laugh out loud every time and his stretches and "im full" face are the cutest things ive ever seen and make me smile. I cant get over how in love with him I am and I truly believe I am the luckiest girl in the world to have the such an amazing husband and baby!
Just for fun =)
Moms proudest moment this month: a few days ago while face timing my mom with him on my lap he apparently started dosing off and I wasn't holding him tight enough and his top half slowly rolled off head first into the seat of my glider! Don't worry it was super soft and I caught him. He didn't even wake up!
Dads proudest moment: The other day he got home from work and grabbed Nathan to love on him and walked out of the room. A few minutes later he came in the kitchen after changing into his pjs and asked me "wheres the kid?"......well he left Nathan in the closet....
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