Friday, May 31, 2013

Weekly Updates

I think I left out on week 15. Not to much happened that week other then just really looking foward to feeling baby Jordan MOVE!
Week 16 was the best week so far! I finally felt some movement!!! We were laying on the couch one night and all of a sudden I felt a gush of water across my belly like a big wave! Since then its everyday and I LOVE it. It is seriously the highlight of my day!
Ive got lazy about the chalkboard pics =( But I do take plenty of them during the week. Here is week 16!
Here is another week 16 week from my beautiful cousins wedding!
Week 17 was very eventful because we MOVED!! Super stressful week but so worth it!

Week 18 I had some serious cravings for sweets! I went and got some coffee and toffee ice cream (wasn't a fan) and my wonderful Hubby went and got me some peanut M&Ms at 10pm at  night =) Still feeling tons of movement and loving every minute! This is the week Jonathan started getting jealous he couldn't feel him from the outside yet. It will be soon I tell him!



By this point everyone already knows the good news but here it is anyway!
Its a...............................


We found out on May 9th 2013 that we were having a healthy baby boy! We decided we wanted to have a big gender reveal party but just didn't have the time -=( We had my cousins wedding that Saturday and then moved the weekend after so we decided the perfect time was do a small gathering with family that Sunday for Mothers day!! It went perfect but was SO hard to keep it a secret for those few days!!! Everyone knew in their hearts it would be a boy but it was still special to find out officially. We went very pinterest in our reveal, we did balloons filled with blue confetti and had everyone pop at the same time. It was a NIGHTMARE trying to find balloons that wernt see-through (Which they ended up kindof being anyway.) We also did a reveal cake which was adorable! We had some BBQ burgers and it was a perfect afternoon!
Our little man is going to be stubborn! I can tell already. Our sonogram technician said this reveal was one of the hardest she has had in a while!! He was sitting on his legs the whole time and would NOT move them! We had to push him, cough, move anything to get him to move! When he would finally move he would just flinch and then go right back to how he was sleeping. She couldn't get a good picture of him. When she finally did she was 100% sure he was a boy! Since finding out it seems this pregnancy is so much more real. Not that it wasn't before, but now that he has an identity and we can say "he" did this and that it just makes it so much more real that this is ACTUALLY happening. We could not be more excited! Here are some pics!

Here is the VIDEO of everyone finding out! So glad we did this!
Now for some sono pics! They were all taken at 16 weeks.


Saturday, May 4, 2013

Gender Prediction

Everyone always has their prediction on what the baby's sex will be based on old wives tales, I thought it would be fun to do a few of them to see how they turned out! So far everyone thinks BOY! From the beginning I was too, but I dont know, lately im thinking girl! We find out May 9th!! AHHHH!
Ring Test-Loop your wedding ring in a piece of thread and let it dangle over your belly. If the rings swings in a back and forth motion, it's a girl. If the ring moves in a circular motion, paint the room blue.
Prediction: BOY
Heart rate-A heart rate over 140 beats per minute (bpm), it's a girl. A boy's heart beat is slower.
Prediction: GIRL (Usually around 160!)
Mayan Tale-The Mayan tale adds the mother’s age at conception and the year of conception. If the result is an even number then mom is having a girl. If the result is an odd number then a boy is on the way.
Prediction: BOY (24+2013=2037)
Face-If your face swells and gets rounder, it's a girl. Long and narrow face, a boy.
Prediction: Inconclusive My face hasnt changed!
Cravings-If you crave salty foods it's a boy. If you crave sweets then it's a girl.
Prediction: GIRL  I crave different things different weeks but mostly Fruits have been consistant!
Morning Sickness-No morning sickness, it’s a boy. A girl if you were sick or nauseous during your pregnancy.
Prediction: GIRL
Chinese Gender Prediction-This age-old calendar predicts gender based on month of conception and your age
Prediction: GIRL
Shape of Belly-If you are carrying high with a big, round belly, you are having a girl. If you are carrying low with a smaller belly that sticks straight out, it's a boy.
Prediction: GIRL
Body Clues-Legends say that if you are having a little girl, she'll steal your beauty. So, if you've got acne and other not-so-pretty skin blemishes, you've got a little princess coming your way.
Dry hands and cold feet are signs of a boy.
Prediction: GIRL
Breast Test-If a pregnant woman's left breast is larger than the right breast, she's having a girl. If the right breast is larger, it's a boy
Prediction: GIRL
Bread- If you eat the ends of bread, its a boy. If you eat the middle of the load, its a girl
Prediction: GIRL (Who really eats the ends anyways??)
Sleep- If a pregnant woman prefers to lay on her left side, shes having a boy. If she prefers resting on her right side, shes having a girl.
Prediction: GIRL
Hands- When the pregnant woman is asked to show her hands, its a boy if she keeps her palms down and a girl if she shows her palms up.
Prediction: GIRL (I tried this myself, without anyone asking, so really I don’t think the test is accurate for that reason)
Headaches- If you are having headaches, you might be carrying a boy.
Prediction: GIRL (No headaches here for this girl!)
wow! its pretty obvious what we are having!! SORRY BOOGIE!

Thursday, May 2, 2013


On top of taking my weekly pictures, I also take some throughout the week. I want to make sure I remember the whole process! So here they are =)
Jonathan doing some "Light" reading =) Hes so cute he does a lot of research!

First maternity dress I bought, I was so excited!! This was at my cousins wedding shower April 6th, so I was about 12 weeks!

The Hubby testing out my pregnancy pillow

I was realllllllly wanting brownies one night, so the next day I got home to this surprise. YUM

my HUGE belly picture! after seeing this mom mom was SURE it was twins. (Im only about 14 weeks here) We will find out in a few days! eeeek!

Baby shopping with my boogie

Our FIRST purchase for baby Jordan! of course it had to be Texas =)

My bump had really popped out this day so I had to take a belly shot =)

Easter Sunday 2013! The day we told all of our family and friends we were expecting =)